
Where was Jesus Three Days after his Baptism?

Mark 1:12 - And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness.
John 1:43 - The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me.

In Mark 1:12-13 it says that Jesus was immediately driven into the wilderness for 40 days after his baptism. However, in John it says that after his baptism he was in Galilee choosing his disciples and then went to the wedding feast in Cana (see John 1:35, 1:43, 2:1-11).

If Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days immediately after his baptism then how could he be in Galilee choosing his disciples and attending a wedding feast?


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No contradiction.

First the baptism occurred, (as Matthew and Luke also agree), then Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days (Mark 1:12-13), and it was after that he briefly returned to see John for two days before going to Nazareth, and then Galilee. So in John 1:29 we have John the Baptist seeing Jesus after he returned from the wilderness and John recalls the vision of the dove which he had witnessed descend on Jesus several weeks before when he was baptised.

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ooooooo so in John 1:29-42, John is not actually baptizing Jesus, but "bearing witness" that he already did. It's all solved by the fact that Jesus was not baptized in John1:29-43.

Baptized -> wilderness -> returns and meets John the baptist who testifies -> goes to Galilee

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