Will the Vision Tarry or Not?
The verse says that the vision will tarry and then immediately says that it will not tarry. read more
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The verse says that the vision will tarry and then immediately says that it will not tarry. read more
In Isaiah the Lord is turned against his people, but James tells us that God has no "variableness, neither shadow of turning." read more
The Bible says they have 4 legs - but don't they have 6? read more
How could Jesus appear unto the "twelve" if Judas was dead and Mathias was not yet chosen as a replacement? read more
Matthew and Mark say the thieves "reviled" Jesus and "cast the same in their teeth" but Luke teaches one the the thieves repented. John was presen read more
John vs. Luke When did the disciples receive the Holy Ghost? John was in the upper room, Luke was not. read more
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